Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strategery, Redux?

President Barack Obama, in one of his first actions since being sworn in, signed an executive order to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba within one year. This being the place where Americans tortured suspected terrorists under direct orders from the highest levels of the United States government.

It would have been easy to predict the complaints from those who support these tactics, such as "America will be less safe" or "enhanced" interrogations work. No, the plumb that the right wingers are hurling around is this one: "How dare he do that without proper planning." You heard right, the Republicans are mad that the President is entering into serious areas of national security and foreign policy without proper "planning."

Now, anyone who has even a passing knowledge of the invasion of Iraq and it's horrible aftermath, you might find this laughable, if it were not that the complete lack of planning from the moment the government in Iraq fell has directly led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi's, and the lives of over four thousand two hundred Americans.

Let's review. The GOP, the Republicans, are upset over poor PLANNING!

Imagine this. The U.S. has successfully toppled Saddam Hussein and overthrew his government. Within weeks, weeks! the entire senior military command was being replaced, yes that great Tommy Franks cut and ran the minute the statue came down. In addition, the planning that was going on was to withdraw most of the troops within 6 months from Iraq, not planning for the possibility of an armed insurgency, which has led directly to the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi's and the lives of four thousand two hundred Americans.

Furthermore, the lack of planning for the occupation from a quality of life standpoint for the average Iraqi was criminal, in my opinion. Baghdad still only gets half a day of electricity.

And the Republicans still want to discuss planning? In the words of EX- President Bush: "Bring it on."

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