Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Iraqis Evil?

I was watching a speech by President Bush the other day and was dumbstruck when he was offering analysis on the War in Iraq and had this to say:

"it's not a civil war, it is pure evil. And I believe we have an obligation to protect ourselves from that evil."

I am curious what an average Iraqi thinks of that statement? Surely the President was not intending to paint all Iraqis under arms to be "pure evil?" Every General or reputable prognosticator recognizes the militias, and the Shi'ite militias at that to be the greatest threat and deterrent to peace and stability in Iraq. Has Mr. Bush noticed that the Shi'ite militias and the political parties that back them are what is holding the fragile Iraqi coalition government together?

That is not to discount the foreign elements such as Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia and the massive car bombs and suicide vests bombers they can deploy. But by all accounts, these compromise less than 10 percent of the overall insurgency.

It appeared for a short while after the elections in November that the language of President Bush and his minions had changed to a more sober, realistic tone rather than the black or white rosy scenarios they have proffered to the American people.

I am becoming more and more frustrated, again, at this disconnect between the rhetoric in Washington by President Bush versus the reality of constant car bombings, sectarian killings and deaths of U.S. service personell. I honestly do not understand this disconnect. It has that sound of politicking, sloganeering that the American people seem to have grown so tired of that they simply ignore his comments.

It would seem honest, forthright, bold assessments by the President as apposed to the old and worn out happy talk about "makin progress" would buy the Generals more time to do whatever that can do at this point to save Iraq from the abyss.

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