Senator McCain takes a stroll
Senator John McCain stated the “surge” or escalation of troops in Iraq is working and that it is safe for Americans to walk around Baghdad. To back up this claim Mr. McCain and several GOP lawmakers took a vacation to the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, finding enough time to commandeer 100 U.S. troops and 4 combat helicopters from the War on Terror to go bargain rug shopping in flak jackets with sniper teams keeping watch.
Mr Mcain claims the media is not presenting all the good news out of Iraq, or that they are reporting the news from 3 months ago. The Senator believes the “surge” has been successful, though he offers very little in the way of hard evidence, rather anecdotal evidence such as he could drive in a heavily armored convoy instead of taking a helicopter from the airport. Is that progress or an indication of how difficult it will be to attain any real progress?
The Senator fails to mention the 2000 Iraqi citizens killed from violence in March. Think of that. Or the daily tally of car bombs and the random killings by people dressed in police uniforms.
Mr. McCain’s comments and ensuing ditch digging are prime examples of why the American people have tuned out the War in Iraq and have no confidence in the leaders that got America in this mess.
Wait we have Rep. Pence of Indiana saying “The Shorja market, was "like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summer time.” Is he serious?
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