Thursday, April 12, 2007

Those Who Forget History...Something Something

British Major-General Stanley Maude enters Baghdad in March 11, 1917, capturing the province of Mesopotamia from the Ottoman Empire. (NYT)

If History tells us anything, it tells us to, well, look at history. A recent article by Hugh Dellios in the Chicago Tribune analysing the British occupation of Iraq in the post World War I years demonstrates this motto better than anything I have seen or heard since the War in Iraq began. Indeed, it is one of the best analysis of the United States occupation of Iraq I have yet seen. I encourage anyone interested in the War in Iraq to read this article.


Bassam Sebti said...

Well, history repeats itself!

This picture of Maude reminded me with how my father once told me he witnessed how people tore down Maud's statue in 1958. He said it was pretty emotional. He was very prowd of it. I don't know why Bush or General Abi Zaid or even Bremer had statues in Baghdad? Maybe they read about what happened to Maude? Although I doubt they have a clue about what happened at that time!

Thanks for the link.

CentFla said...

Holy Smokes this is a great blog article. Can you set your site up so it is easier for me to link to?

Poor Sancho said...

T of B ,

I knew there was something about history!

Hey, does the mosaic of GHW Bush on the floor of the, what was it, the Al Rasheed or Palestine Hotel count?!